Notice of Decision for Minor Variance - 1531 Concession Rd. 7

PROPERTY: 1531 Concession Road 7
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Con 7 Pt Lot 5. RP 51R24604; Parts 5 & 6
APPLICANT: Scott Waldner
DATE OF DECISION: January 17, 2024
NOTICE REQUIRED BY: January 27, 2024
DATE NOTICE GIVEN: January 18, 2024
LAST DAY OF APPEAL: February 7, 2024
PURSUANT to Section 45 of the Planning Act with respect to the above noted Application the Committee of Adjustment ("Committee"):
The Committee hereby does authorize the Minor Variance Application requesting relief from the Township of Adjala-Tosorontio Zoning By-law 03-56 as amended, in order vary the following provision of the by-law:
To permit construction of an addition to a legal non-comforming structure, that will not meet the side yard setback and to recognize the setback between the covered patio and the principle single-family dwelling, within the Oak Ridges Moraine Natural Core (ORM N) Zone.
In consideration of all written and oral submission made, the Committee has determined that the Application is a Minor Variance as:
The requested relief does meet the general intent of the Official Plan
The requested relief does meet the general intent of the Zoning By-law
The requested relief does constitute desirable development of the lot; and
The requested relief is minor in nature.
Concurring Members: