Water and Sewer
The Township has an agreement with the Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA) to operate all of our municipal water systems on our behalf, including regular water testing and monitoring services.
All resident concerns will be dealt with by OCWA. During regular business hours you can contact them at 1-866-775-7712- press 0 or 705-429-2525- option 3 to get to customer service. For after hours EMERGENCY only, please call 1-800-461-9675.
For billing and meter servicing, please contact the Township office.
We now accept Paperless e-Billing. In order to receive paperless water sewer bills and/or tax bills, residents are required to complete an online paperless e-Billing form here.
The Township of Adjala-Tosorontio regulates municipal water and wastewater systems and rates through our Water By-law 2024-025 and Wastewater By-law 2024-026. The water bills are determined by the cubic meters of consumption of water, as registered by your water meter. The residential units are also charged a water flat rate per month. If you are on the Municipal Wastewater system than a wastewater flat charge and wastewater consumption charge will apply. The wastewater consumption will mirror the reading from the water meter.
We issue water and wastewater bills on a quarterly basis, and they are due; January, April, July and October on the last business day of each of those months.
The Township of Adjala-Tosorontio Collections of Water and Sewer Accounts Policy provides guidelines regarding payments and collection process as well as the Leak Prevention Program.
Water bills are based on actual readings. If you receive an estimated bill accompanied by a Blue Card, you are asked to contact Public Works to make arrangements to have the water meter inspected and, if necessary, repaired.
*Failure to adhere to this notice will result in an inaccurate estimation of usage which may lead to a significant increase in your bills.*
If you receive a high water bill due to a leak, you are responsible to pay for the water that has been consumed. If a leak occurs in the dwelling, it is the owner(s) responsibility to maintain the private plumbing system to ensure it is in good working order.
A leak detection information pamphlet will provide guidance on how to use your water meter, located in your house, to isolate and find the leak. Applying to the Township’s leak protection program after the leak has been discovered will provide relief from the impacted water bill as a onetime forgiveness for qualifying residents. For further details please see the Township’s Collection of Water and Sewer Accounts Policy.
Payment Options |
Pay your water/sewer with the following payment options:
Penalty/Interest |
A penalty charge of 5% is added on the first day following the due date. |
Water Arrears Transferred to Tax Roll |
Once your account has reached 4th quarter arrears (meaning it has not been paid in one year, or four consecutive billing periods) a letter will be sent to you along with your bill identifying a specified date for your account to be brought to current standing. If there is no response or payment made by the specified date, the full balance of arrears will be transferred to your tax roll where it is subject to 1.25% each month. Payments will need to be made towards your tax roll to eliminate these arrears from your account. |
Tenant Occupied Properties |
Tenant names are not permitted on the water/sewer bill as per current Water Rate By-law. It must remain in the registered owner’s name. The registered owner remains solely responsible for any unpaid amounts and if unpaid will be added to the associated tax account as these charges have priority lien status under Municipal Act, 2001 Reg 581/06. To ensure ease in communication and collection of account balances, please consider paperless e-billing under the registered owner’s name. |
Moving? |
If you are moving, please advise the Township in advance of the closing date in order to ensure that our Public Works staff can complete a meter reading on the specified closing date. Your final water bill will encompass the end of the last regular billing cycle to the date of closing.
The final water bill is typically sent to the vendor’s solicitor for payment upon closing, however this arrangement is between you and your solicitor and can alternately be requested for the final water bill to be sent to the vendor’s forwarding address. |
Water Certificate |
If your property is selling, vendor/purchaser solicitors typically request a tax certificate. If your property is on municipal water and/or sewer, a water certificate is provided alongside the tax certificate. Please see the current fees and charges by-law for the water certificate fee. The water certificate outlines:
Reports & Studies
The Township of Adjala-Tosorontio Drinking Water System Multi-Facility Operational Plan is available to the public upon request by contacting the Process Compliance Technician at the Ontario Clean Water Agency at 705-429-2525.
Colgan |
Everett |
Hockley |
Lisle |
Loretto (Weca) |
Rosemont |
Water and Wastewater Rate Study - 2024 |
Annual Wastewater Reports |