Annual Report 2022

The Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit is a champion of health for all. We work with individuals and families, agencies and communities in Simcoe Muskoka to promote and protect health, and to prevent disease and injury of the people we serve. We do this by providing a variety of public health programs and services, as well as working in collaboration with community partners on policies and initiatives that protect and promote health and well-being for all.

The health unit is governed by the Board of Health and is funded municipally and provincially. We are guided by the Ontario Public Health Standards and our own core values to work toward achieving our mission and vision. This Annual Report highlights the health unit’s work and achievements in 2022.

Strategic Plan 2023-2024

At its June meeting, the Board of Health approved the SMDHU Strategic Plan 2023-2024. This plan conveys the agency’s vision, mission and values and focuses on four priority areas, each with specific goals and objectives over the next two years. The priority areas are Programs and Services; People; Partnerships; and Future.