Notice of Intention to Adopt a
New Committee of Adjustment Procedural By-law

In accordance with the Township Public Notice Policy, the Council will consider a proposed by-law for a Committee of Adjustment Procedural By-law at the Regular Meeting to be held on December 13, 2023 with the public portion starting at 6:30pm.

A copy of the proposed Committee of Adjustment Procedural By-law is attached for viewing, and is available in alternate formats, upon request.

Any questions on the proposal may be directed to Jaclyn Cook, Planning Technician at 705-434-5055 ext. 223 or by email to

DATED this 6th day of December 2023.

Jaclyn Cook, Planning Technician
7855 Sideroad 30, Alliston ON,
705-434-5055 ext. 223

View Proposed Committee of Adjustment Procedural By-law