Adjala-Tosorontio Township is a special place to be in the fall season! Woodlands and roadside trees are turning vibrant colours, the salmon are running in our rivers and streams, and we enjoy the cooler fresh air at night.

Our Township boasts a predominantly agricultural community and at this time of year our farmers are out harvesting fields of potatoes, corn, wheat and soybeans. We give thanks to all our farmers and food producers. We are blessed to have a wide range of food producers including specialty crops, traditional crops, beef cattle, swine, and dairy products.

I am thankful to those who help contribute to our wonderful volunteer organizations in the Township and across Simcoe County. It’s great to have an engaged and supportive community.

Please take time to enjoy this season with friends and family, celebrate our blessings and give thanks.

On behalf of Township Council and Staff, Happy Thanksgiving!

Scott W. Anderson, Mayor
Township of Adjala-Tosorontio